Otter Wax | Heavy Duty Fabric Wax


When we buy high-quality items, we simply want them to last a long time. Also, everyone has that favorite item in the closet that they’re seeking to preserve. Luckily, Otter Wax can make your canvas shoes, hats, jackets, rucksacks and backpacks water repellent.

Made in Portland, Otter Wax has a 100% natural formula. It uses environmentally friendly ingredients that are non-toxic, contain no silicone and no petroleum. It was first born out of the desire to stay dry and offer long lasting protection since it will easily waterproof untreated fabrics.

a wax bar in a cardboard box

Increase the life of your clothes with Otter Wax.

The wax is handmade and packed in a compact 2.25 oz bar. In order to use it, simply apply it directly onto fabric and you’re good to go. For example, if you want to cover your entire denim jacket, one bar will be more than enough. You can use a hairdryer or an iron to keep the area hot because it’s easier to apply. 

applying the otter wax on the hat

All you have to do is apply it directly on the fabric.

If you want to preserve other materials like leather, the good news is that this company also produces a variety of other protective products as well as brushes, tools and grooming items. Last thing to mention- no otters were harmed in the making of this product.

Get it from Amazon here

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