Big Boy Buddy System Paint Bucket Holder


Some people like painting and others don’t, but renovations need to be done from time to time and we can all agree that it literally becomes a pain in the back when you’re painting for the entire day and have to constantly bend down to get some paint. Well, this will never be a problem again thanks to the Big Boy Buddy System Paint Bucket Holder.

Designed for painters or those of us that have interior and exterior projects that need to be done, the Big Boy Buddy System alleviates and eliminates many problems that we face while painting.

Big Boy Buddy System showing the dripless flange of the bucket

The Big Boy Buddy System isn’t only convenient but is saves you a lot of pain (literally and figuratively) and the bucket was designed to be mess free with the dripless flange.

The Big Boy is comprised of two different parts; the holder itself that has an extension to put either a rope or belt through and then the dripless bucket. Using it is extremely simple as well, just fill the dripless bucket with your paint and you are ready to go. Check out the video below.

Big Boy Buddy System on belt with paint brush in it

It’s lightweight, hassle free, fits comfortably on your belt and can fit up to a quart of paint.

The benefits that the Big Boy offers are vast in terms of easier working, which cuts down the amount of time needed, as well as your health, since you don’t need to bend down every time to get some paint. The entire system was designed to be used hands-free which drastically improves comfort while the dripless flange technology reduces both clean up times and accidental spills.

The Big Boy also has built-in openings so that you can store two screwdrivers, a multi-tool and cut-in tape. It’s very lightweight as well and extremely easy to clean.

Get it from Amazon here.

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