How To Raise A Highly Intelligent Child

If you are wondering how to raise a highly intelligent child, all you need is love, time, and mother/father dedication. Many parents think that they also need to be smart, but oddly enough, this quality is not necessary. Your child only needs your attention.
Your baby learns the most in the first ten years of his life as his brain makes trillions of neural connections. Each time your child learns something new, his brain forms another connection. They all end up helping him to learn more effectively in other areas of knowledge as well. Music lessons, for example, help develop math skills. So, how can parents help their child reach his full potential? Let’s find out some tips from the experts of Write my essay for me service.

How to raise a highly intelligent child

Here are a few ways to help develop a child’s intelligence from an early age:

1. Use the right conversational techniques

Ask your child open-ended questions that can’t be answered with a simple “yes” or “no”; this will help them think about what they know and what they have yet to learn. Provide feedback to your child and let them know that you value their opinion. Also, when talking to your child, try not to “baby talk,” but use normal, “adult” words. This will help him enrich his vocabulary and improve his oral comprehension. At first, the child may not understand the meaning of your words, but after you say the phrase several times, he will understand it and remember it.

2. Read to your child

Reading helps your child’s brain make logical connections and analyze the world around them, and it gives a lot of information about life. It is well known that reading to your child from an early age makes them smarter and more capable of learning. Experts believe that reading is the foundation of all knowledge. In addition, you can regularly exchange views on the material you read and have the opportunity to discuss any difficult or controversial points. These conversations are sure to benefit a child’s thinking abilities and the ability to express his opinion and speak his mind.
When you and your child read a lot, your child develops a good vocabulary. Later on, it will be easier for him to write different kinds of assignments, such as essays or research papers. If there are still problems, you can always turn to online helpers like nursing paper writing service. Their experts will help with writing any paper in a short period of time.

3. Praise properly

Excessive praise when a child is doing something right makes him think too highly of himself, and he becomes irritable as a result. Instead, support and encourage your child, even if he doesn’t bring home the highest marks. Say things like, “You almost got the assignment right,” or “You almost got it.” Words of encouragement that are neither too positive nor too negative are very helpful in the long run.

4. Encourage curiosity

You may have noticed that when your child was toddler or preschool age, they wanted to know absolutely everything about their surroundings. But when children reach school age, their curiosity tends to wane. Try to rekindle it in ways that are appropriate for an older schoolchild. Take your child to art galleries, concerts, museums, and libraries where he can discover something new and interesting.

5. Take every opportunity to teach your child

When you come home from work, tell your child about what you’ve been doing. You can also take him shopping with you and teach him how to compare prices. You can even give your three- to four-year-old the task of picking apples or oranges. Say the name of the fruit and ask your toddler to find it. There are many opportunities to tell your child about the world around them in everyday life, try not to miss them!

What parents should do and avoid when raising a smart child
Contrary to popular belief, raising smart children does not require overprotection. Here are a few facts you should know when raising your little genius.
What you should do
• Give your child an opportunity to think. When he needs to solve a problem, let him think it through on his own. If you answer all the questions and solve the problem instead of him, the child will not learn anything.
• Don’t answer his questions right away. This advice may sound harsh, but it is not. When your child asks you a question, ask them to look for the answer themselves. From an early age, teach your young thinker to use knowledge sources such as encyclopedias, information retrieval systems, and libraries.
• Sometimes you don’t need to know the answer to be smart, you need to know how and where to find it.
• Support your child’s collaborative activities with peers. Working in a competitive environment, such as participating in speaking, drawing, or math projects, helps children learn to cooperate with other children. Co-curricular activities also help a child develop adequate self-esteem.
• Be creative. When you show your child something, make it creative and fun! Make something yourself and teach your child to do something with their own hands. Often a three-dimensional model makes more sense than a drawing on paper.
• Keep in touch with your child. Over dinner, ask him how his day was. The child must tell you how he is feeling and what he is doing in kindergarten or school. Let him or her know firsthand that you are always there for him or her; try to keep in close touch with him or her.
• From an early age, tell your baby about your expectations of him or her. Sit down with him and set some goals, and to help with this process, ask him “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Discuss his academic plans and his expectations. Don’t pressure him – listen more.
• Be happy about your child’s successes. You may be pushing your child in one direction and he will excel in something completely different; either way, be happy for his successes. Let him know that you are proud of him no matter what he excels at.
• Try to think outside the box. Teach your child to look at tasks from different angles. This will help him to be creative, innovative, and progressive, which is necessary for success in today’s society.
• Problems bring positive experiences. Teach your child to solve problems that arise. Ask your toddler to make a list of his problems, challenges, and use it as a basis for future creative projects. Even if your child can’t get his homework done, let him find a way out and an alternative aid option. Various homework help websites are ready to help with assignments of any difficulty. Professional writers can also offer advice on how to write a paper in an hour.
What to avoid
• Don’t turn your child’s daily life into a chore. Don’t pressure him or limit him too strictly. Gifted children need a more relaxed atmosphere based on understanding their interests. They also like to move from one interesting activity to another at will and when they feel like it.
• Avoid labels such as “gifted” or “genius. Labels only alienate the child from other children and can be an excuse for ridicule or bullying. In addition, children don’t want to disappoint their parents and may be overly stressed in trying to meet the definition of “gifted. Treat your child as you would any other child.
• Don’t push your children to communicate. Gifted children can have a hard time fitting in with their environment. This is because they are at different developmental levels with their peers. Gifted children tend to have only one or two friends, and it’s perfectly normal for them to be comfortable in that situation.
• Try not to hold children back. Whatever the pace of their development, don’t hold children back too much. If your child tires you and their teachers and is bored in second grade, consider moving them to the next grade. Encourage your child to move forward at his or her own pace.

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