If your favorite two items are coffee maker and a thermos cup, you are definitely going to love this. Hey Joe Coffee Mug is your next favorite thing in the world, because it is both a coffee maker and a thermos cup – combined. Most of the people (myself included) cannot imagine their morning without a cup of coffee. Now, given that we live in the 21st century, we have everything but time, so most of those coffees are taken on the go. This is where problems start: your coffee is too hot, while waiting for it to cool down, it gets too cold, you spill your coffee while driving, and so on. With Hey Joe Coffee Mug all those problems are solved.

First of all, the mug brews your coffee itself. In the middle of the mug there is a tray where you put the pod, you add water (temperature is not relevant) and push the button. Your coffee will be ready in a few minutes, and its temperature will be perfect. You don’t need to wait for it cool down, just enjoy your coffee. Of course, everybody has a different definition of “perfect temperature,” but, once again Hey Joe Coffee Mug has a solution: if you press the button once, button will turn blue, and your coffee will be made at 140 degrees Fahrenheit; if you press the button twice, it will be red, and your coffee made at 155 degrees Fahrenheit; and if you press the button 3 times, it will be white, and you will get a cold drip cup of coffee.

The mug has a battery that is charged via USB, and it is supposed to last for at least three brews before a recharge is needed.

Now you can have a perfect cup of coffee, whenever, wherever – no excuses. watch video below

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