Words are omnipresent and they often define us in the eyes of other people as well as help us express ourselves. But they are no longer only audio material. With ANITA shelves by Quattria, words have become a very useful design features.

Whether you have a catchphrase that you often use, or you like to see your name, or the names of your loved ones around, Anita shelves give you the opportunity to incorporate these words in the interior design of your room.

They are made of three dimensional acrylic letters and the way you will use them is fully up to you. All of the letters of the alphabet are available in four colors – red, blue, white and black. In addition, there are two different sizes. The smaller ones can be used as shelves hanging from the wall, while the larger ones are big enough to serve as shelves that can be placed on the floor, or even as bedside tables.

So, what would you spell? Any ideas?

Red ANITA Letter Floor Shelves by Quattria

White ANITA Letter Floor Shelves by Quattria

White ANITA Letter Wall Shelves by Quattria

Blue & Red ANITA Letter Floor Shelves by Quattria

Blue ANITA Letter Wall Shelves by Quattria

Blue ANITA Letter Wall Shelves by Quattria

Technical details regarding the ANITA Letter Shelves by Quattria

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