4 Fun Solitaire Facts That’ll Blow Your Mind

Whether it’s the touch of their flat and glossy surfaces, the appetizing smell of a newly opened deck, or the aura of uncertainty during gameplay, it is undeniable that there’s something about solitaire card games that’ll have you hooked for good. And with smartphones bringing free solitaire apps to everyone’s fingertips, it’s no surprise that this age-old game is played by billions around the world. So, if you’re not part of this kingdom already, then here are some fun facts about such a game that’ll suck you right in.

Lost origins: Despite its massive popularity, it is largely unknown to this day when and where the classic solitaire game was invented, and by whom. Some think that this game has French roots as it was a common sight to see people play solitaire in France. Others think this iconic human creation leads back to Germany because the earliest mention of such a game in any literary work was found in a German game anthology published in https://www.solitaire-masters.com/ .

Late to the table: Even though solitaire card games are deeply ingrained in English culture now, it is funny to think that this game became popular in English society very late. Even in the mid-19th century, English people were just getting to know such a game and were learning how to play solitaire from rule books published at that time. The fact that Prince Albert fell in love with classic solitaire from the very first shuffle was what led to the rapid adoption of this pastime.

Use that mouse: Did you know, the core reason behind injecting the classic solitaire game into the Windows operating system was to teach people how to use a mouse to drag and drop! In the early 1990s, this way of interacting with a computer was still super new; that is why users struggled to catch onto it, which they found daunting. But since solitaire requires users to move the mouse in various motions just to play the game, the hope was that it would help people get into this new and unfamiliar action. Judging by where the world is today, it obviously worked!

An unsettling thought: In the very beginning, the cards made were not used to play solitaire… Instead, these seductive rectangles found their act amid the mysterious art of cartomancy, also known as fortune-telling. And voila, the first-ever card readers were born. This weird connection between playing cards and predicting the future originated from the Polish name given to solitaire — ‘Kabala’, which means ‘secret knowledge’. Fortune-telling is heavily practiced even today, and a deck of cards is still used as its https://www.spider-solitaire-masters.com/ .

Time to Join Kingdom

By now, your whiskers should be tingling in amusement. Which means it’s the perfect time to hop online so you can endlessly play free solitaire online games. Competing in solitaire online is sure to be more of a rollercoaster as opposed to its physical counterpart because of the sheer amount of animations, customizations, sounds, artworks, and unique in-game features on offer. There are hundreds of sites where you can immerse yourself in free solitaire online, and whether it’s to take a break or train your brain, it’ll be time well spent.

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